Mesothelioma Surgery

Mesothelioma Surgery is one of the options mesothelioma treatment given to patients with mesothelioma. There are quite a lot of procedures, methods and objectives in conducting the operation.

Mesothelioma Surgery as part of Multi-modal Therapy

Before discussing with your doctor about the surgery option, the doctor will ensure and verify that the body is strong enough for post-surgery recovery. So that before conduct mesothelioma surgery, the doctor will see how healthy your lungs and your heart to test the pulmonary and cardiac tests such as an electrocardiogram (EKG), echocardiogram and angiogram.

If the doctor believes that your body is strong enough to undergo surgery and mesothelioma that your body has not spread too far then surgery is an option that should be considered. Indeed, there is a risk, but this risk will be minimized by the doctors as well as the condition of your body.

Three categories of Mesothelioma surgery

There are three types of  mesothelioma surgery with different objectives. These three categories are as follows:

Potentially Curative

Potentially curative surgery is a type of which can be aiming to take the tumor and increase life expectancy.


The purpose of the operation of this type is to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms suffered by the patient. This operation is often taken when curative surgery is not possible. By running a palliative surgery, the patient's quality of life can be restored.


Operation of diagnostic type is the type of operation that is lighter and aims to give an idea to the doctors and patients how that must be taken for life extent of patient

Potentially Curative Surgery

Referred to Potentially curative surgery is major mesothelioma surgery. In total there are two types of Potentially curative surgeries. Namely two kinds Potentially curative surgery for pleural mesothelioma and one kind Potentially surgery for peritoneal mesothelioma. three types of operations are included in the multi-modal approach to therapy.
Extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) and pleurectomy / decortication (P / D) is a type of surgery for patients with pleural mesothelioma. While Cytoreductive Surgery is an option for patients with Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Both EPP and P / D is kind of a big operation, but have different procedures. The chosen option based on your current condition. Both operations are selected when the cancer is still in its early stages, when the doctors see the cancer has not spread and a risk worth taking. Here is the data from both types of operations:

Extrapleural pneumonectomy

EPP is an aggressive operation that takes the lining around the lung, the entire lung, in theory is the way and the best opportunity to remove the entire tumor cells.
Extrapleural pneumonectomy Surgery

Pleurectomy decortication

P / D is a type of surgery that is not as big as the EPP, but also provide effective results. Operations of this type allow lung in the intact condition, took the pleural lining that protects the lungs and all visible tumor.
Pleurectomy Decortication Surgery

Cytoreductive surgery

Cytoreductive surgery is often called debulking surgery is a surgery that takes as many cancer cells as possible from the abdominal cavity. This operation may take several hours.

Operations with Robot

Type Robotic surgery is the latest technique for thoracic surgery surger and cancer surgery. This type of mesothelioma surgery has been used for more than a decade with better precision. Dr. Farid Gharagozloo from the University of Arizone of Cancer Center using the first robotic EPP in 2013 and said that the type of robotic surgery can change the future treatment of mesothelioma.
Four kind of those surgery

Read more about palliative surgery here

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