To perform mesothelioma
treatment, the doctor will give you the option of three types of treatments to
patients, namely surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The type of treatment you
will receive course adapted to the conditions and the results of your
diagnosis, stage of mesothelioma and your overall health condition
If the mesothelioma cancer has not spread, then the
combination of radiation, surgery and chemotherapy will be offered to you. The
combination treatment of mesothelioma is called a multimodal therapy.
If the diagnosis result states that mesothelioma has spread,
the doctor will recommend palliative treatment. ie treatment that can help
reduce pain, respiratory problems and other symptoms of cancer that interfere
with your life. You may be advised to undergo radiation treatment and
chemotherapy, and did not give the option to perform major surgery.
Radiation therapy can provide a calming effect and
facilitate breathing. With radiation, the tumor will shrink and reduce pressure
on the nerves, airways and blood vessels. Therefore, radiation therapy in
mesothelioma can reduce pain. In addition to radiation therapy, chemotherapy
can shrink tumors and reduce pain. Non-curative surgery can eliminate the
offending tumor, or also can remove fluid that has accumulated in the chest and
You can also talk to your doctor about mesothelioma
treatments options other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Several
experimental treatment has been tested in several clinical and sometimes the
treatment can make a considerable difference.
Many patients also seek alternative mesothelioma treatments
such as massage, acupuncture and even yoga. It is often added to the standard
treatment such as chemotherapy. So come to the table with your doctor to determine
what treatment you can take.
Common Mesothelioma Treatment
Mesothelioma surgery
Meosthelioma surgery can be done if the cancer mesothelioma
is still in the lining around the lungs or abdomen. This option can heal. Then
in addition to surgery, you also acquire radiation therapy and chemotherapy
with the goal of killing the cancer cells left behind after surgery.
Currently available less traumatic surgery and palliative.
This option would be an option if you are in a condition that is not very healthy.
The goal of surgery is to relieve the pain suffered by patients. In addition to
receiving such operations can be carried out chemotherapy and radiation
chemotherapy is a treatment for various cancers including
mesothelioma. Chemotherapy drugs are inserted into a vein in the arm aims to
kill cancer. Chemotherapy is most commonly used and most successful is
cisplatin and pemetrexed.
If you are suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma, your
doctor may recommend a treatment known as multimodal Heated Intraperitoneal
Chemotherapy (HIPEC). HIPEC is also known by heated chemotherapy. This type of
therapy used immediately after surgery. Its function is to kill cancer cells
that are still left behind after surgery. In a study involving 400 patients,
the average patient who underwent surgery and HIPEC therapy can last more than
four years.
Chemotherapy drug effects are also felt by cells - healthy
cells. It causes the condition becomes worse. For some people, the pain of
chemotherapy lasted quite a long time until finally gone and you feel better.
The conditions will be explained by specialists who provide treatment to you.
Here are some mesothelioma chemotherapy drugs :
- Cisplatin
- ALIMTA (pemetrexed)
- Carboplatin
- Doxorubicin
- Paclitaxel
- Gemcitabine
Mesothelioma treatment through radiation therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-energy beam to target cancer
cells. Radiation is on Invasive. This therapy is often used with other
therapies and handy to shrink cancer cells and control the growth of cancer.
Mesothelioma treatment of this kind is always paired with other therapies.
Securities that are not too strong given as chemotherapy and help reduce pain
due to mesothelioma. However, some healthy cells can be damaged by exposure to
radiation. therefore the use of radiation therapy should be performed by
Radiation therapy is done in conjunction with other
therapies. Palliative radiation therapy is given when the operation can not be
performed due to various considerations. Known to have two types of radiation,
- intraoperative
(during surgery)
- external beam
Multimodal therapy
Often the cancer specialists perform effectively through a
multimodal approach, the combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
This strategy involves specialists in their respective fields together provide
the right method for you. The success rate is quite good multimodal. Some
people managed to control their mesothelioma. Key to the success of this
therapy is to involve people who are experts in each.
Emerging trial mesothelioma therapy
some people actually succeed in therapy with a clinical
trial which do therapy with the latest approaches. Although no warranty, there
the evolving methods of therapy in the future. Trial of therapy is not only a benefit
for you but also for scientists who continue to search for more effective
mesothelioma treatment.
The future of mesothelioma treatment involves therapists who
are developing the method. So you should not hesitate to ask the doctor about
treatment with the latest methods. Currently there is great potential in the
treatment of the latest models such as immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy and
gene therapy. What is now performed in a clinic may become standard treatment
in the future and prolong mesothelioma prognosis.
Immuno therapy helps you to build the immune system to fight
cancer growth. Some types of immunotherapy can also be called a vaccination
therapy. Some experts believe that immunotherapy will become the standard
mesothelioma treatment in the future.
Gene Therapy
Gene therapy aims to treat or prevent cancer by injecting
the material in the body. Material that is a form of suicide genes targeted at
cancer cells and cause cancer cells to die.
Photodynamic Therapy
photodynamic therapy for mesothelioma is a therapy that uses
light energy to kill cancer cells. The trick is, the doctor will give a
light-sensitive drug to the patient. After a few days, a specal-light will be
emitted into the cancerous area, typically using laser light to activate the
drug. The reactions that occur will menyebab cancer cells die.
Top Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
Only a few hospitals that can provide treatment
Mesothelioma. In America, every year there are an estimated 3000 cases and
there are still many doctors who have been dealing with the disease. There are
few places like mesothelioma treatment at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Mount Sinai
Hospital, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Ochsner Cancer Institute, The H. Lee
Moffitt Cancer Center and UPMC Cancer Center.