Mesothelioma Treatment (Chemotherapy)

Chemotherapy including aggressive mesothelioma treatment by reducing the tumor cells and kill cancer cells through medicines are very strong. But the side effect is visible hair loss, fever and nausea and vomiting.
Chemotherapy is a treatment that is feared, because the side effects of chemotherapy that we often hear and see. Chemotherapy is one of the Mesothelioma treatment methods have advantages and disadvantages. Someone with mesothelioma in certain circumstances did not qualify to undergo surgery because of the general condition of the patient is not possible.

Mesothelioma Treatment Effectiveness

Chemotherapy is already common in mesothelioma treatment. The main goal of chemotherapy is to kill cancer cells and shrink the size of the tumor. Chemotherapy drugs can attack the cells that grow rapidly and cut the growth of cancer cells. When chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells, chemotherapy drugs also damage all cells in the body that have rapid growth. For example hair follicles that included rapid growth so easily damaged during the hair growth cells undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
Chemotherapy has benefits such as healing the symptoms and pain of mesothelioma with how to effectively shrink the tumor, and can reduce the risk of the spread of tumors to improve life expectancy. Treatment plan can vary depending on the type of mesothelioma you have. The peritoneal and pleural mesothelioma patients will receive different drugs.

Treatment Options

Old and type of treatment depends on several factors such as the type of cancer, stage, the patient's health. Chemotherapy drugs can be given by way of direct or systemic.

Method of Chemotherapy

There are two kinds of chemotherapy methods


Chemotherapy drugs can be injected into a vein or through pills. Chemotherapy drugs will enter through the blood and spread throughout the body

Intrapleural or intraperitoneal

Chemotherapy drugs are given through a tube that leads directly to a cancer grows. Chemotherapy drugs are still able to circulate throughout the body but is concentrated at the cancer. Chemotherapy drugs are given regular doses depending on the patient's condition.

Mesothelioma Treatment Plan for chemotherapy.

Some plan that is used for chemotherapy are as follows:

Only chemotherapy

Treatment for cancer patients only chemotherapy.

Multimodal therapy

In this approach, chemotherapy can be combined with other treatments such as surgery and radiation therapy


Chemotherapy were done before surgery to reduce tumor cell


Chemotherapy is given after surgery to reduce the risk of tumor grows again


Chemotherapy is useful to relieve pain and symptoms of mesothelioma. This method can be combined with radiation methods.

Drugs  for the treatment of mesothelioma

The following drugs are given in chemotherapy treatment. drugs given to one drug or a combination. If the patient is not strong then it will only be given one type only. The drug most commonly used for mesothelioma treatment is Alimta (pemetrexed) and cisplatin.

Most common chemotherapy drugs


Some other drugs are also given to patients with mesothelioma such as vinblastine, vincristine, methotrexate, mitomycin, doxorubicin, epirubicin, ifosfamide and cyclophosphamide.
chemotherapy drugs for mesothelioma treatment

Single agent and combination

Pada kemoterapi dikenal single agent dan kombinasi. 

Single agent

Single agent chemotherapy using an anti-cancer drug. after going through various trials, patients who undergo only a single agent menngalami low response or only 0-15 percent.


Chemotherapy combinations involving two or more drugs. a recent study showed positive results in patients with mesothelioma and this is a good development in mesothelioma treatment. the combination of cisplatin and pemetrexed is a combination of effective mesothelioma treatment.

Side effects

although chemotherapy mesothelioma is often used in conjunction with other treatments such as radiation therapy and surgery.

chemotherapy side effect mesothelioma treatment

- Hair loss
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Body aches
- Tingling in the feet and hands
- Anemia (Decrease of red blood cells)
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Compromised immune system
- rash
- Nausea and vomiting
- Lower platelet count

Treatment for peritoneal mesothelioma

Chemotherapy for peritoneal mesothelioma patients is different than the drug given to patients with pleural mesothelioma. The method used chemotherapy drugs directly entering the peritoneal cavity. but penetration in tumors are generally very low.
The study results show the drug delivery intraperitoneal chemotherapy drug uptake only a depth of several millimeters from the surface of the tumor. Therefore Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), also known as the heated chemotherapy. This method is expected to reduce pain and improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one method of mesothelioma treatment besides surgery or radiation treatment. The success rate of chemotherapy was also heavily influenced by the overall condition of the patient. If the patient is weak, then the doctors will only provide one type of chemotherapy drugs or depending on the patient's condition. The stronger the body of the patient, the doctor can provide a more aggressive combination chemotherapy with better results. Chemotherapy combined with other mesothelioma treatments that can give better results.

Mesothelioma Surgery ( 2 )

One of mesothelioma treatment is palliative surgery. That surgery is intended for mesothelioma patients who do not have much choice because of the general condition of the patient healthy condition does not support or because the cancer has spread. Therefore, it needs treatment that is not too invasive as Potentially curative.

palliative surgery for mesothelioma

Palliative surgery and methods

Because it does not have a lot of mesothelioma treatment options. Some mesothelioma patients choose the option Palliative surgery. The goal of palliative is to improve the quality of life of patients. By the way as much as possible to cure the symptoms and the pain experienced by the patient. Palliative surgery is not a cure but can help prolong yor life. In this palliative surgery lot of dumping fluid from the body. the following is methods developed in palliative surgery:


Pleurodesis is a procedure performed by preventing the formation of fluid in the chest. A pipe is inserted into the chest to remove fluid and also used materials that can help patients. Such as antibiotics, chemotherapy or talc powder.


paracentesis is a type of surgical procedure is useful to get rid of piles of fluid from the abdominal cavity of patients with peritoneal mesothelioma. This surgery can relieve pain, difficulty breathing.


Surgery is done by entering the lungs, heart, trachea aorta, or diaphragm.

Wedge Resection

Wedge resection also has another name Segmentectomy. Wedge resection is a type of surgical procedure that is often used when the cancer to fill in one area alone. This procedure is less invasive


Lobectomy involves the disposal of at least one of the five lobes in the lungs. This process is quite extensive from wedge resection and is often used when the cancer is confined in a single lobe.


This is the most extensive operation of three thoracotomies procedures for the disposal of these procedures are performed lungs. Usually in these operations also disposed of the lining around the lung. This option will be selected patients when the cancer has not spread to the other lung

Other Surgeries

There are several types of operations such as the placement of the catheter used to remove fluid in the abdomen or chest. So that the fluid can drain without the need for a doctor's visit.

Diagnostic Surgery for Mesothelioma Treatment

One of mesothelioma treatment is doing diagnostic. The first time patients experience symptoms, then they come to their doctor and get analyzed. Such analysis or diagnostic is conducted by surgery (diagnostic surgery). The purpose diagnostic surgery is to confirm the presence of cancer. Typically a biopsy. Biopsy is a surgery that removes tissue in the body to determine if there is cancer. there are several types of Biopsy : Fine needle aspiration, incisional / core biopsy and excisional biopsy.
diagnostic of mesothelioma

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy use a hollow needle to take a sample. Result obtained in a few minutes. Incisional / core biopsies only take a small of tissue for evaluation. While excisional biopsy involves the disposal of the entire tumor or organ for diagnosis. Surgery includes biopsy Thoracoscopy thoracentesis and more widely used in patients suspected of suffering from pleural mesothelioma or other lung disease.

biopsy surgery for mesothelioma


Thoracentesis is used as a palliative treatment for  patients who have excess fluid in the lung. Fluid disposal is done by placing a hollow needle in the lung. This fluid then analyzed to find out what diseases suffered by patients


In Thoracoscopy, the doctor will make the incision in the chest. Then the pipe/tube inserted into the tissue surrounding the lung or pleural tissue. The doctor will take sample and examine the pleura.

Diagnostic surgery is very important in mesothelioma treatment. Because the results of the diagnostic will provide guidance to physicians and patients what kind of mesothelioma treatment that is appropriate for the patient. If the patient's condition allows, the doctor will recommend and provide treatment Mesothelioma type of curative surgery. Curative surgery will be given to patients who are still healthy enough and strong receiving major surgery and the cancer has not spread. However, if the patient was not strong enough to undergo curative surgery patients will be given the option Palliative surgery that are not cleaning the cancer completely but reduces the pain and prolong the life of patients. Along with surgery, mesothelioma treatment will be given another doctor is chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

There are still plenty of mesothelioma treatment or another type of therapy that has been developed by researchers. So that in the future, patients with mesothelioma will be able to prolong Reviews their life and can increase their life expectancy.

Mesothelioma Surgery

Mesothelioma Surgery is one of the options mesothelioma treatment given to patients with mesothelioma. There are quite a lot of procedures, methods and objectives in conducting the operation.

Mesothelioma Surgery as part of Multi-modal Therapy

Before discussing with your doctor about the surgery option, the doctor will ensure and verify that the body is strong enough for post-surgery recovery. So that before conduct mesothelioma surgery, the doctor will see how healthy your lungs and your heart to test the pulmonary and cardiac tests such as an electrocardiogram (EKG), echocardiogram and angiogram.

If the doctor believes that your body is strong enough to undergo surgery and mesothelioma that your body has not spread too far then surgery is an option that should be considered. Indeed, there is a risk, but this risk will be minimized by the doctors as well as the condition of your body.

Three categories of Mesothelioma surgery

There are three types of  mesothelioma surgery with different objectives. These three categories are as follows:

Potentially Curative

Potentially curative surgery is a type of which can be aiming to take the tumor and increase life expectancy.


The purpose of the operation of this type is to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms suffered by the patient. This operation is often taken when curative surgery is not possible. By running a palliative surgery, the patient's quality of life can be restored.


Operation of diagnostic type is the type of operation that is lighter and aims to give an idea to the doctors and patients how that must be taken for life extent of patient

Potentially Curative Surgery

Referred to Potentially curative surgery is major mesothelioma surgery. In total there are two types of Potentially curative surgeries. Namely two kinds Potentially curative surgery for pleural mesothelioma and one kind Potentially surgery for peritoneal mesothelioma. three types of operations are included in the multi-modal approach to therapy.
Extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) and pleurectomy / decortication (P / D) is a type of surgery for patients with pleural mesothelioma. While Cytoreductive Surgery is an option for patients with Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Both EPP and P / D is kind of a big operation, but have different procedures. The chosen option based on your current condition. Both operations are selected when the cancer is still in its early stages, when the doctors see the cancer has not spread and a risk worth taking. Here is the data from both types of operations:

Extrapleural pneumonectomy

EPP is an aggressive operation that takes the lining around the lung, the entire lung, in theory is the way and the best opportunity to remove the entire tumor cells.
Extrapleural pneumonectomy Surgery

Pleurectomy decortication

P / D is a type of surgery that is not as big as the EPP, but also provide effective results. Operations of this type allow lung in the intact condition, took the pleural lining that protects the lungs and all visible tumor.
Pleurectomy Decortication Surgery

Cytoreductive surgery

Cytoreductive surgery is often called debulking surgery is a surgery that takes as many cancer cells as possible from the abdominal cavity. This operation may take several hours.

Operations with Robot

Type Robotic surgery is the latest technique for thoracic surgery surger and cancer surgery. This type of mesothelioma surgery has been used for more than a decade with better precision. Dr. Farid Gharagozloo from the University of Arizone of Cancer Center using the first robotic EPP in 2013 and said that the type of robotic surgery can change the future treatment of mesothelioma.
Four kind of those surgery

Read more about palliative surgery here

How to Increase Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

If you or your loved ones affected by cancer such as mesothelioma. Sure you want to know about the mesothelioma life expectancy of your or your loved ones?
We all know, mesothelioma is a malignant cancer. Although growth is very slow and evolved over the decades in the body. But what often happens is people realize too late that the patient has entered the advanced stages of mesothelioma. Why does this happen? because in the initial period of developing mesothelioma, often there are no symptoms or its symptoms are very similar to common diseases.
The disease is recognized to be in your body when  it already in advance stage and the cancer already spread in some parts of the body. This makes doctors have difficulty in giving treatment. This causes the mesothelioma life expectancy is very difficult.

mesothelioma diagnosis and life expectancy

Extending Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Patients with aggressive  mesothelioma cancer, are now counting their lives in the next few years. Much different from a few years ago which are only count in few next months. This is because some of the therapy gave encouraging results. Emerging drug combination and improved therapies provide new hope to patients and their loved ones. From the table below we know mesothelioma life expectancy based on the stage :

mesothelioma life expectancy base on stage

But  now these number are changing due to new invention and research.

Extend Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Currently, patients are living longer than ever before. Some patients even can last three, four and even ten years and well above the original prognosis and inspire to other sufferers. This disease can be life-changing. But some people who survived then return to live active, doing activities with the family to do the traveling. Mesothelioma Life Expectancy is now much better than before.

New Cutting-EdgeTreatment

With the advantage of  alternatives therapy such as genetic therapy, immunotherapy and multimodal treatment. Then the current clinical trial may change the perception of mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Cancer Centers

Currently mesothelioma cancer center able to provide experts and specialists experienced in providing treatment to patients who are fully equipped to increase the life expectancy of patients.

Faktors that affect on mesothelioma life expectancy 

What affects years of survival after mesothelioma diagnosed ? Factors such as cancer stage, tumor location and cell types as well as factors beyond the tumor such as age, blood characteristics, general health, and sex

Factors associated with tumors 

Here are the factors that influence treatment whatever is given to you:

Stage Cancer 

Most Diagnosed Patients are not until stage III or stage IV disease at early stage Because symptoms can Werner hidden. The earlier the stage of cancer at diagnosis, more treatment options that can be given, the better the prognosis and survival rate.

Tumor Location

Location emergence of cancer can affect your life expectancy. Pelural mesothelioma has a life expectancy of up to 8 months if left without undergoing treatment. Peritoneal mesothelioma has a life expectancy of up to six months if left without undergoing treatment.
Mesothelioma Treatment can prolong survival both in pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma patients can live for over a year when undergoing chemotherapy. Patients who are running the multimodal treatment can last up to more than 3 years.

Cell Type

Tumor with epithelial cell types respond best treatment than other types of cells, so cancer cell types have a better life expectancy. While sarcomatoid or biphasic cell type is a tumor cell type that is more difficult in treatment.

Non Tumor Factor

Mesothelioma life expectancy is also strongly influenced by factors beyond tumor ekstenal. Factors such as age, gender, and general health condition will also make a difference how your doctor will mentreatment.

General Health

general health condition which gives an indication of fitness of the patient. in patients with neural mesothelioma, is very influential factor in survival. The more active and healthy then the patient will be more quickly recover after getting treatment.

Age of Patient

The younger the patient would give more options than older patients because older patients generally have more complex conditions. In addition to having other chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and others, older patients usually already in conditions more severe stages. This makes the younger patients have treatment options and a better life expectancy.

factor that affect to mesothelioma life expectancy

Gender of Patient

Usually, the male gender is a history of exposure to asbestos more than women. Because the more exposed, then the cancer which develops also more virulent. In general, mesothelioma life expectancy in women better than men, although scientists have not too sure whether due to hormonal factors or because of the level of exposure to asbestos.

Characteristics of Blood

Several studies showed that the condition of thrombocytosis and leukocytosis blood before surgery will result in a shorter life expectancy. Some biomarkers such as COX2, antigen p27, MIB-1, VEGF and 90K glycoprotein also gives an effect on life expectancy.

Treatment affect on Mesothelioma Life Expectancy 

When creating a treatment strategy what is best for the patient, the doctor will create a strategy that he believed gave the most positive effect to you. The doctor will calculate each of the factors and risks, as compared to the results to be obtain best mesothelioma life expectancy

Multimodal Therapy

Multimodal therapy is a combination of several types of therapy. This type of therapy is the strategy the doctors to provide the most positive impact on mesothelioma life expectancy. However, this strategy always involves aggressive treatment is only appropriate for patients with certain conditions. In general, to obtain multimodal therapy, the cancer must be in stage I or stage II. Patients with stage III mesothelioma can also be obtained on condition of multimodal therapy in general good condition of healthy, relatively young with the type of tumor cell epithelial or biphasic.

Alternative Therapy

A study showed benefits when you undergo alternative therapies such as acupuncture, meditation, massage and yoga. The therapy can reduce stress, pain and improve quality of life.

Nutrition and Diet

some of certain nutrients can increase the life expectancy of patients. By providing specific nutrients in the treatment plant also gives impact basin on the patient as well as lower levels of stress patients

Experimental Treatments

There are opportunities to improve and longer life can be taken from some of the experimental treatment in clinical tiral. Researchers mesothelioma are always testing new medications and new treatments. The researchers also gave the opportunity for patients to get the latest treatment that may extend survival. Although the new treatment also has a high risk. Currently there are several experimental therapies are being studied and is believed to improve mesothelioma life expectancy rate as immunotherapy, gene therapy, and photodynamic therapy.

Survivor Experience

Some examples of mesothelioma patients who managed to survive as Stephen J. Gould that can survive for 20 years after diagnosis. He wrote a popular article that can inspire other patients and she did not die of mesothelioma. Another example Paul Kraus a former factory worker who was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in 1997. Kraus to get some kind of therapy, including changes with the switch to a vegetarian diet and taking some nutritional supplements. Kraus is still suffering from mesothelioma but is free from pain.

Paul Kraus mesothelioma survivor, 6 month prognosis more than 17 years survival

Possibility of Mesothelioma Life Expectancy in Future

It it shows that with a variety of research always gives good progress from time to time. Researchers are always trying to find the best methods so that patients get the best treatment and mesothelioma life expectancy is getting better.

Most Common and Recent Mesothelioma Treatment

To perform  mesothelioma treatment, the doctor will give you the option of three types of treatments to patients, namely surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The type of treatment you will receive course adapted to the conditions and the results of your diagnosis, stage of mesothelioma and your overall health condition

If the mesothelioma cancer has not spread, then the combination of radiation, surgery and chemotherapy will be offered to you. The combination treatment of mesothelioma is called a multimodal therapy.

If the diagnosis result states that mesothelioma has spread, the doctor will recommend palliative treatment. ie treatment that can help reduce pain, respiratory problems and other symptoms of cancer that interfere with your life. You may be advised to undergo radiation treatment and chemotherapy, and did not give the option to perform major surgery.

Radiation therapy can provide a calming effect and facilitate breathing. With radiation, the tumor will shrink and reduce pressure on the nerves, airways and blood vessels. Therefore, radiation therapy in mesothelioma can reduce pain. In addition to radiation therapy, chemotherapy can shrink tumors and reduce pain. Non-curative surgery can eliminate the offending tumor, or also can remove fluid that has accumulated in the chest and abdomen

You can also talk to your doctor about mesothelioma treatments options other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Several experimental treatment has been tested in several clinical and sometimes the treatment can make a considerable difference.

Many patients also seek alternative mesothelioma treatments such as massage, acupuncture and even yoga. It is often added to the standard treatment such as chemotherapy. So come to the table with your doctor to determine what treatment you can take.

mesothelioma treatment base on diagnosis

Common Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma surgery

Meosthelioma surgery can be done if the cancer mesothelioma is still in the lining around the lungs or abdomen. This option can heal. Then in addition to surgery, you also acquire radiation therapy and chemotherapy with the goal of killing the cancer cells left behind after surgery.
Currently available less traumatic surgery and palliative. This option would be an option if you are in a condition that is not very healthy. The goal of surgery is to relieve the pain suffered by patients. In addition to receiving such operations can be carried out chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


chemotherapy is a treatment for various cancers including mesothelioma. Chemotherapy drugs are inserted into a vein in the arm aims to kill cancer. Chemotherapy is most commonly used and most successful is cisplatin and pemetrexed.

If you are suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma, your doctor may recommend a treatment known as multimodal Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC). HIPEC is also known by heated chemotherapy. This type of therapy used immediately after surgery. Its function is to kill cancer cells that are still left behind after surgery. In a study involving 400 patients, the average patient who underwent surgery and HIPEC therapy can last more than four years.

Chemotherapy drug effects are also felt by cells - healthy cells. It causes the condition becomes worse. For some people, the pain of chemotherapy lasted quite a long time until finally gone and you feel better. The conditions will be explained by specialists who provide treatment to you.
Here are some mesothelioma chemotherapy drugs :
- Cisplatin
- ALIMTA (pemetrexed)
- Carboplatin
- Doxorubicin
- Paclitaxel
- Gemcitabine
chemotherapy using alimta for mesothelioma treatment

Mesothelioma treatment through radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses high-energy beam to target cancer cells. Radiation is on Invasive. This therapy is often used with other therapies and handy to shrink cancer cells and control the growth of cancer. Mesothelioma treatment of this kind is always paired with other therapies. Securities that are not too strong given as chemotherapy and help reduce pain due to mesothelioma. However, some healthy cells can be damaged by exposure to radiation. therefore the use of radiation therapy should be performed by specialists.
Radiation therapy is done in conjunction with other therapies. Palliative radiation therapy is given when the operation can not be performed due to various considerations. Known to have two types of radiation, namely
- intraoperative (during surgery)
- external beam
radiation therapy for mesothelioma treatment

Multimodal therapy

Often the cancer specialists perform effectively through a multimodal approach, the combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. This strategy involves specialists in their respective fields together provide the right method for you. The success rate is quite good multimodal. Some people managed to control their mesothelioma. Key to the success of this therapy is to involve people who are experts in each.

Emerging trial mesothelioma therapy

some people actually succeed in therapy with a clinical trial which do therapy with the latest approaches. Although no warranty, there the evolving methods of therapy in the future. Trial of therapy is not only a benefit for you but also for scientists who continue to search for more effective mesothelioma treatment.

The future of mesothelioma treatment involves therapists who are developing the method. So you should not hesitate to ask the doctor about treatment with the latest methods. Currently there is great potential in the treatment of the latest models such as immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy and gene therapy. What is now performed in a clinic may become standard treatment in the future and prolong mesothelioma prognosis.


Immuno therapy helps you to build the immune system to fight cancer growth. Some types of immunotherapy can also be called a vaccination therapy. Some experts believe that immunotherapy will become the standard mesothelioma treatment in the future.

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy aims to treat or prevent cancer by injecting the material in the body. Material that is a form of suicide genes targeted at cancer cells and cause cancer cells to die.

Photodynamic Therapy

photodynamic therapy for mesothelioma is a therapy that uses light energy to kill cancer cells. The trick is, the doctor will give a light-sensitive drug to the patient. After a few days, a specal-light will be emitted into the cancerous area, typically using laser light to activate the drug. The reactions that occur will menyebab cancer cells die.

Top Mesothelioma Treatment Centers

Top Mesothelioma Treatment Centers birgham hospital

Only a few hospitals that can provide treatment Mesothelioma. In America, every year there are an estimated 3000 cases and there are still many doctors who have been dealing with the disease. There are few places like mesothelioma treatment at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Mount Sinai Hospital, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Ochsner Cancer Institute, The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and UPMC Cancer Center.

Latest Mesothelioma Survival Rate Based on Research

About 40 percent of mesothelioma patients survive the first year after undergoing diagnosis. Mesothelioma Survival rate is highly dependent on many factors such as age, type of cancer, stage of cancer, gender and race. The survivors are very grateful for their success to a specialist mesothelioma, alternative medicine and nutrition experts.

mesothelioma survival rate

How do I measure mesothelioma survival rate?

The researchers explained that the measure mesothelioma survival rate is done in several ways. They always calculate the survival rate in the one-year survival. Ie people who survived after one year of diagnosis. Through their study, they have also seen people who are able to last longer, including a number of people were able to survive to two years, three years, four to five years.

Average mesothelioma survival rate

mesothelioma claim has reached 30 thousand Americans who lived between 1999 and 2010. The epidemic as much as 40 percent of patients survived for 1 year. In the second year to reach 20 percent of patients are still able to survive. Until the third year reached 8 percent

Factors that may affect the Mesothelioma Survival Rate

Mesothelioma survival rate varies considerably influenced by age, gender, race and various other factors. Stadium, types of cancer as well as your current health condition is overall very influential in your prognosis. Below are the factors that influence the survival rate of patients.

Age of Patient

Overall, older patients have a lower survival rate than older ones. There are more than 50 percent of patients are diagnosed before the age of 50 years are able to survive one year. But less than 33 percent of patients aged over 75 years are able to survive in the same period.

year survival related to age

Meanwhile younger patients have a 20 percent chance of surviving for a decade. This difference is due to younger patients got treatment like surgery. While older patients do not get a chance operation, given the circumstances already weak and the risk of complications is quite high.

 In the case of older people, they often have more than one chronic condition. Such as diabetes, heart disease and COPD. Survival ability is generally better at a younger crowd because they are generally still strong and does not have a serious condition. This is what makes older patients ineligible to get some more effective treatment options.

But it is quite rare asbestor cancer patients who were under 50 years old. In general they are diagnosed with mesothelioma at the age of 60 years. In 1999 and 2010 almost 80 percent died of mesothelioma at the age of 65 years.

When researchers membreakdown survival rate based on age and ability to survive more than 5 years. There are 43 percent of patients with age less than 45 survive. Then, 14.3 percent of patients with age 45-54 years and only 5.7 percent of patients survive 65 years of age more than 5 years.
Mesothelioma Survival Rate by Age

Gender Factor

Almost all the asbestos exposure occurred at work / occupational. Generally, in the industrial field and carried out by men. This is what explains why as many as 80 percent of cases of mesothelioma occurred in males
When asbestos is used massively few decades ago, some women living close to asbestos mines and industry. They are also exposed to asbestos as a couple, a family member who works in the industry ASBE and return home carrying asbestos fibers in clothes and their bodies.
In general, women mesothelioma patients can survive longer than men regardless of age, stage and treatment is obtained. Mesotheliomasurvival rate so that women are better than men. The researchers estimate that the condition is more influenced by hormonal differences. 

Race factor

There are approximately 40 percent of mesothelioma patients survive for 1 year. While 20 percent of patients survived for 2 years. Until the second year there has been no sign of the race became an influential factor. Then when entering its third year, the survival rate of patients with white skin a little bit worse than other ethnic groups.

Survive as long as five years only 7.6 per cent occur in white patients and 12.3 percent in black patients. Only 4.2 percent of white patients can survive up to 10 years. Where as black patients reached 9.5 percent.
Experts explain, this factor is due to different treatment adopted by the patient blacks and whites. In a report in 2010 that studied the mesothelioma survival rate, average cases of mesothelioma from 1990 to 2004 showed that black and Hispanic patients less surgery compared with white patients. White patients as much as 25 percent and as much as 14 percent of other patients.

Stage of Cancer

The stage of cancer at diagnosis can be the most powerful reference. Mesothelioma survival rate when patients are diagnosed at an early stage is better than advanced stage cancer when the cancer spreads more severe.  In the early stages, patients receiving multiple treatments have improved survival because mostly they perform surgery and other treatments that can provide better results

Mostly, people with mesothelioma do not make diagnosis until the cancer has reached stage III and IV,  when the tumor has been enlarged and the cancer has spread to several parts of the body. Advanced stage in patients with mesothelioma is very difficult to get effective treatment so that they are worse survival rate.

For peritoneal mesothelioma staging system khusus.Beberapa do not have their own investigators menggunakansistem by the TNM system which uses tumor size, lymph nodes and spread of cancer.
Here is the calculation of mesothelioma survival rate by stage
Surviving the first year:
stage 1: 94 percent survival rate
stage 2: 87 percent survival rate
stage 3: 66 percent

Survival rate for 5 years
stage 1: 87 percent
stage 2: 53 percent
stage 3: 29 percent

Tumor Histology

There are three types of mesothelioma cancer base on cell type. There are epithelial tumor cells, biphasic or sarcomatoid. They have differences in behavior and appearance.

Mesothelioma Survival Rate base on Histology

The average survival of 12-24 months, epithelial cancer cell types have the best prognosis. While in sarcomatoid types of cancer cells have a more aggressive behavior. Biphasic cancer cells had a median survival of about 12 months.

A study of mesothelioma survival rate in patients with pleural mesothelioma 3000. Those who have a type of epithelial cancer cells had the best survival rate and the median survival to 19 months. Median survival for cancer patients with biphasic cell type reached 13 months. While the median survival for cancer patients with sarcomatoid cell type reached only 8 months.

Mesothelioma Causes and Risk Factor

Mesothelioma cancer known as malignant cancer. The majority of mesothelioma causes is exposure to asbestos in the long term. The process ranging from asbestos exposure to cancer formation (latent period) takes quite a long time. Which makes it difficult is the early warning was not too visible, and by the time symptoms appear on the surface, at the time mesothelioma is already at an advanced stage.
Exposure to asbestos is the main cause in the majority of developing mesothelium. Based on data from nearly all patients diagnosed with malignant cancer had been exposed to asbestos at the workplace, in the environment  or due to exposure indirectly

mesothelioma causes

Medical research on Mesothelioma Causes

Mesothelioma is a cancer that often affects the lungs and stomach. Mesothelioma cases rarely encountered until the growth of the industry in the era of World War or the 20th century experienced a surge in cases of mesothelioma. This along with the massive use of asbestos at the time. After various studies for decades. The researchers then successfully identified the main mesothelioma causes, which is exposure to asbestos.
Medical researchers are gradually finding that minuscule inhaling asbestos fibers into the initial cause of the growth of some types of cancer and respiratory disorders called asbestosis. Then in March 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released its findings about the link between asbestos and cancer at the WHO conference in Spain. IARC describes these linkages strengthen proof of asbestos cause cancer.

Other Factor as Mesothelioma Causes

Already mentioned earlier about the effects of exposure to asbestos which became Mesothelioma causes. Here are some factors that can increase the risk of mesothelioma.

asbestos fiber  mesothelioma causes

  1. Work on the mining of asbestos or asbestos processing plant.
  2. Live in the area near asbestos mines
  3. Working in a military ship or other facility that has the facilities made of asbestos.
  4. Work on risky places such as automotive and construction industries. Some of the facilities and the work made of asbestos. Work place certainly increase the risk of mesothelioma

Other factors as mesothelioma causes

The following factors may increase the growth of mesothelioma.
Apart from asbestos, some minerals have content similar to asbestos. Exposure to these minerals can also increase the risk of various diseases
  • Exposure to a zeolite, a mineral that contains similar to asbestos can also increase the risk of mesothelioma. In an area in Turkey with a population that is working with building materials made of zeolite has a mesothelioma case is quite high.
  • Exposure to radiation can also increase the risk of mesothelioma. But these cases are rare. But studies suggest that the risk of mesothelioma increases after a person is exposed to radiation therapy for other cancers.

Genetic as mesothelioma causes

Researchers believe that genetics may also affect the risk of cancer. It is known that mutations of a gene called BAP1 can enhance the development of mesothelioma.

Age and Sex
Mesothelioma can affect women and men. Mesothelioma is not too impact when under the age of 45. It is the development of mesothelioma takes decades and asbestos exposure usually occurs in many men who work in the industry related to asbestos.

Do Smoking also increase the risk?
Studies show that smoking is not the cause of the increase factor of mesothelioma. But smokers will potentially be exposed to asbestos lung cancer. A study says that as many as 90 percent of the smokers who work with asbestos or asbestos exposure have contracted lung cancer. So, smoking isnot categories mesothelioma causes

Mesothelioma Causes vs Risk Factors
please note that the risk factor for mesothelioma is not necessarily the cause. Although research suggests men susceptible to mesothelioma, sex is not the cause of cancer. Until recently, asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma.
Exposure at Work
Some jobs are at risk of exposure to asbestos. The highest risk of mesothelioma disease found in people who work directly with minerals such as asbestos and products made from asbestos. Work that has these risks are as follows
- Workers in the boiler
- Maker and installer of heat insulator
- Workers in chemical plants
- Power plant workers
- Construction workers
- Shipyard workers

mesothelioma causes, workers exposure to asbestos
Environmental Exposure
Environment is one of mesothelioma causes. People living near the mining area is also highly at risk for mesothelioma. Although the mine is not operating. We know that the asbestos fibers are refined can create air pollution and inhaled by people nearby.

Develop Mesothelioma
Several studies have shown that asbestos as mesothelioma causes. Mesothelioma experts like Michele Carbone writes articles that discuss various ways mesothelioma develops.
Asbestos exposure usually occurs in the long term and repetitive. The more asbestos inhalation and exposure, the faster the growth of mesothelioma cancer. When there is exposure to asbestos fibers in high concentrations and over a long period of time, the growth of diseases caused by asbestos are also higher. This is because, the body has a condition that is difficult when a pile of asbestos fibers in the lungs or in the stomach. After many years, these fibers can cause cancer. Cancer begins mesothelial cells, which give protection to the membranes that cover the lungs, abdomen and heart. (see also : most commont and recent mesothelioma treatment)

asbestos exposure to lung as mesothelioma causes

Several theories for how asbestos fibers cause tumor

Inflamed Cell
Asbestos fibers can irritate and inflamed, mesothelial cells, which make irreversible scarring, cell damage dankanker

Genetic Changes
Asbestos fibers into the mesothelial cells and damage its life cycle. It can destroy and alter the genes and make cancer.

Cancerous mutations
Free radicals in the body due to the presence of asbestos fibers can damage DNA and create healthy cells mutate into cancer.

Uncontrolled Growth
Asbestos fibers can trigger the production of oncoprotein that block the gene regulates the growth of uncontrolled and form tumors. Every healthy cells have genes that protect from change / mutation and fight cancer. At the moment asbestos enters the body, the asbestos can block cell protection function. The similarity of the theories above are asbestos cause cell damage and change the cell lifecycle. Then form a cancerous tumor.

Mesothelioma Prevention

Well, we already discuss about Mesothelioma causes. The best way of to prevent mesothelioma is proactively maintaining the health of your own. If you have a history of exposure to asbestos, you have to make frequent health checks and alert to the emergence of symptoms of the disease.

If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos, proactively see your physician immediately without having to wait for the appearance of symptoms. Early detection is always a good opportunity to provide effective care.

Asbestos Mesothelioma Symptoms and Its Diagnosis

Early asbestos mesothelioma symptoms appear only slightly so often misunderstood as being like any other disease symptoms or other lung diseases. This is the reason that cause mesothelioma cancer is difficult to detect and it is very difficult for experts and patients to know the presence of mesothelioma at early stage.

mesothelioma symptom and its diagnosis

 So that mostly happened. when someone identify the symptoms of cancer, the cancer has already spread and make it difficult for doctors to handle. Therefore, recognizing the asbestos mesothelioma symptoms early and tell your doctor about the history of asbestos exposure can help doctors find the right diagnosis at an earlier time. Thus the chances for recovery will be larger by providing appropriate therapy.

List of Asbestos Mesothelioma Symptoms

Here's a list of common asbestos mesothelioma symptoms that often appears but is often regarded as a regular lung disease
- Wheezing or dry cough
- Difficulty Breathing or respiratory complications
- Shortness of breath
- Pain in the abdomen or chest
- Pleural effusions
- Fever
- Muscle weakness
- Anemia

Here's a list of mesothelioma  symptoms in  advanced stage
- Weight loss
- Respiratory complications
- Chest pain

mesothelioma symptom under diagnosis

Common Asbestos Mesothelioma Symptoms by type

There are some unique symptoms that appear in several types and subtypes of mesothelioma. Here is asbestos mesothelioma symptoms by type:

Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms:

- Shortness of Breath
- Chest Pains
- Reduced Chest Expansion
- Pleural effusions
- Faint or Harsh Breathing Sounds
- Coughing Up Blood
- Dry Cough or Wheezing
- Blood clotting disorders
- Body Aches

Stadium at the time of diagnosis and how far the development of mesothelioma cancer greatly affect the life expectancy of patients. In general, patients do not make diagnosis until the disease has reached stage 3 or 4 because the asbestos mesothelioma symptoms are very faint and hidden. But if in  the early presences of mesothelioma has already known, it is easier for doctors to handle and give prognosis
The following statistical data about the symptoms of mesothelioma is based on a study in 2011.
- 36% of patients started to feel a chronic cough
- 64% of patients felt chest pain
- 70% of patients experience shortness of breath
- 90% appears pleural effusions
- 30% of patients experienced weight loss
In pleural mesothelioma, the disease originated from two layers that form a network covering the lung and the chest wall (knows as the pleura).  Most often caused by tumors that formed between these two layers. The tumor grew steadily after the exposure to asbestos. When asbestos inhaled into the pleural tissue. Asbestos fibers are then damage the DNA of cells and cause uncontrolled cell growth and produce mesothelioma.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms:

- Weight loss
- Hernia
- Abdominal distention
- Feeling of fullness
- Abdominal swelling / tenderness
- Fatigue
- Loss of Appetite
- Bowel Obstruction
- Abdominal Fluid buildup
Peritoneal Mesothelioma which develop thickening around the abdominal area and appeared in 20% of cases are always experienced loss of appetite which results in weight loss, abdominal hernias and abdominal distention / pelvic.
Other signs include abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness or swelling, fatigue and a feeling of fullness. Other symptoms are bowel obstruction that may indicate the development of tumors that spread from its original location.
A study in 2009 involving some 119 patients, the symptoms of the symptoms are as follows:
- 77% of patients develop ascites
- 69% of patients experience loss of appetite and weight loss
- 10% of patients experience mild seizures

Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms

Pericardial Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by asbestos and appear in the coating that surrounds the heart. This is the type of mesothelioma is the most rare. Have symptoms similar to plural mesothelioma include shortness of breath and pain in the chest. Mesothelioma is derived from the type of thickening of the pericardium, the lining around the hearth

Testicular Mesothelioma Symptoms

Testicular Mesothelioma is a type of mesothelioma is the most rare. The amount is less than 1 percent of all cases of mesothelioma. The only symptoms are a lump in the testicle.

When do Mesothelioma Symptoms start to Emerge

Asbestos mesothelioma symptoms appear in small subtle ways. Some very minor so that doctors and patients consider other diseases or ignore the symptoms altogether.
Minor symptoms until the patient is not aware of the 20 to 50 years later. These cancers require decades to develop and the symptoms do not cause any changes until the cancer began to spread. Therefore, almost all new mesothelioma patients know the existence of the disease at the time had entered stage 3 and stage 4. In men, the latent mesothelioma up to 47 years, while the average mesothelioma latency while the women reached 53 years. (see also : Mesothelioma Survival Rate)

Misdiagnosis in Mesothelioma Symptoms

There are still a lot of people and patients do not recognize the early symptoms of mesothelioma. So that they only see the doctor and experts at the time the symptoms appear more intensive. This causes mesothelioma currently leads research on finding a way to be able to diagnose mesothelioma earlier. So that patients can undergo early and effective treatment.

asbestos mesothelioma symptom is very difficult to recognize

To identify the warning signs of the presence of mesothelioma at an early stage it is very difficult to do because of the characteristics of a very long latency period between the onset and the appearance of the first symptoms. Where it may not even appear until the cancer is in an advanced stage. Then when the symptoms have appeared, they are often non-specific and often misunderstood. In the early stages, pleural mesothelomia often misunderstood or misdiagnosed as flu and pneumonia. While the early symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma is often interpreted as a hernia.  Similarly, the percardial mesothelioma doctors often diagnosed as coronary heart disease or other heart disease.


Thus information from us about asbestos mesothelioma symptoms. Knowledge about presence of mesothelioma is very important to learn especially in identifying mesothelioma at early stage. Its very important for people tobe aware about their own history. Espescially related to exposure of asbestos for long term.

mesothelioma symptom at early stage

Any exposure to asbestos within the long term and continuously may  considered as a major cause in the development of mesothelioma. Anyone who is experiencing symptoms as exposure to asbestos should immediately seek medical attention. Also the need to immediately get a diagnosis as well as the need to obtain a reference to a mesothelioma specialist and thoracic oncology

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